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Photo: Kristiansund, Grip – Johan Wildhagen, Palookaville
Photo: Kristiansund, Grip – Johan Wildhagen, Palookaville

At Feskberja, you can experience sea fishing with visits to old fishing villages, where Grip is the most well-known. Grip is located in the middle of the open sea, 12 km northwest of Kristiansund.

Fishing villages are coastal settlements where fishermen resided during the fishing season. Historically, seasonal fishermen from Nordmøre stayed on Grip during the spring cod fishery. Here, they also prepared klipfish, a traditional Norwegian dried cod, by salting and drying the fish on the rocks. Klipfish is a staple food in Kristiansund and Nordmøre and a key ingredient in the local dish, Bacalao. This hearty stew is made with klipfish, potatoes, onions, tomato puree, pimiento, olive oil, and black pepper. Most upscale restaurants in Nordmøre serve Bacalao, and it's a must-try for any visitor. Additionally, we recommend trying baked klipfish.

Read more about Grip.